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The Finding ME e-guide workbook

The Finding ME e-guide workbook

What’s This Book All About?

We all lose touch with ourselves at some point in life - it's normal. Whether you're middle-aged and facing the reality that your kids are leaving for college; or you have young kids and are just realizing that somewhere in the midst of being a parent, you've lost yourself; or if you're facing the breakup of a marriage; or you're leaving an abusive and oppressive marriage; or maybe you're living the life set out for you by someone else - your parents, perhaps.

Whatever the reason, if you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?" this book is for you.

In the next few chapters of this short book, we will go on a healing journey together. On this journey, you will get to know a little bit more about who you are. We will use two main methods to make our way from the beginning to the end of this part of your journey, including: guided imagery meditations, question and answer reflections.

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    Kerry Grezl - Soul Mentor, Therapist, Author.


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